Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Hello World

Granny Here,

Hello out there, been quite a while since I visited this venue but here I am once again, rattling on about this and that.

Lost my brother in Jan. of this year, he was 80 yrs. old, God had blessed him all those years for sure and he knew it too. I miss our long conversations on the phone at night, he was a hoot, kept me laughing and that's always a good thing.

Can't say it's been an exciting year since I last wrote but I'm still around to tell you about it anyway. I've been blessed beyond measure as usual, just like my God to do that.

Life is a roller coaster of sorts, one day you're as high as you can get and the next you are sliding fast but that gives us something to work on don't it. God has a way of keeping us on our toes if we just pay attention.

I've never been a good ballet dancer so keeping on my toes isn't an easy assignment but I keep trying.

I've been painting more lately, not good at it by any means but I don't have to throw them in the trash either, it's a time killer and God knows I have plenty of that.

I guess I could go back to work but most days my friend Fibro comes around and he doesn't make things easy let me tell you! He is an aggravator for sure and I don't welcome his visits but they come often.

Well, enough of that chatter!

Granny here, just saying!!!!!

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