Tuesday, August 9, 2016


Granny Here,

Wow, what a hot summer we're having here in eastern Tennessee! Feels like we're living in a sauna but not seeing any results! Just kidding! Well! It is hotter than blue blazes as the old saying goes. Yes, I'm old or well on my way. Sunday was my birthday 75 big ones, yes I said 75, who would have thunk it, me Billie Irene Ratliff Smith living to be 75. God has His ways don't He, His sense of humor, His sense of teaching us lessons even if it did take 75 years and it take that long for me to learn some of them and I'm still in school. LOL

Don't really know what to write about today other than to say I've been busy as a left handed paper hanger as my momma use to say (no offense to left handers) have to be careful in this over sensitive
world we live in today. I just wish people would crawl back in their turtle shells so they didn't get hurt so much. We need tough shells, stop being so whimpy, I don't like a whimpy society, I like tough, go getters.

That's a good subject, the whimpy society we have become. Everyone wearing their feelings on their shoulders just waiting for a breath to knock it off. My, oh, my how sad it is when I look around and watch the world in motion, what ignorance has brought us to this point. How far down the ladder of stupidity will we slide before someone knocks some sense into us? When will America take inventory and see that we have been drugged by our own importance into becoming a society that no longer respects itself or others, that has no respect for authority, family. Our society has become so important to itself that it no longer has room for others.

Don't get me wrong, good deeds are being done and lots of them and no matter what our society becomes God will see to it that good prevails. But He needs vessels to work through, He needs those that see a need and fulfills that need. We are all dependent on each other in some form or another, no man is an island and lives to himself, we all need one another. To me there is nothing like sharing whether it be time, self, possessions, knowledge. We all have something to share with others, learning from each other is one of the greatest experiences we can have during our lifetime. When we stop to think that someone had to pay the price for that lesson they are passing on to us we should receive it with appreciation, the price they paid may have been high. We never know but we can be richer ourselves just by learning to listen to someone else's experience. Learning can be fun if we look at it in the right light and perspective.

Oh, well, enough is enough don't ye think?

Granny here, just saying!