Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Read My Lips-Handicapped

Granny here,

Where do I start? Do businesses not understand the meaning of the word Handicapped? Shall I spell it out for them? The word indicates that a person may have some problems getting in and out of a business or restaurant. Monday we went for an outing with family and decided to stop at Cracker Barrel for lunch which for the most part is as good a place as any but when it comes to handicapped parking they are way down on the ladder of success. There parking is half way around the building while the front door parking is for customers picking up there carry outs. Go figure, where do they think a handicapped person gets the strength to walk that far to get into there restaurant? They barely have the strength to get out and try to go somewhere.

My mother is 94 years old and doesn't have all that energy that it takes to master that walk to the door. This is not the only restaurant that puts handicapped people at the bottom of the priority list. Handicap spaces should be as close to the door as possible, fit folks need to understand that a walk into a restaurant can be an Olympian challenge for a handicapped person. Yes, I agree they may need a challenge once in a while but not that kind.

Get real and get those parking places closer to the door and let the fit folks get the exercise.

Shame on you if you don't!

Granny here, just saying!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Dull Moments! Where?

Granny Here,

Another day, another mystery? I'm working out on the carport now that Habitat Restore came and relieved me of years of accumulation rearranging things getting ready for the new shed to be built (I hope). I go around the back of the house to hang up a ladder and sweep down some cobwebs and the electric meter starts going crazy, the hands act as if they don't know what to do, the numbers are going and going and going. First, its the water system and now the electric. I tried to call C U but of course on Saturday I got no one, no emergency number or anything so it will just have to be crazy until Monday.

I'm still looking at the 198.00 water bill they sent me and now I wonder what this will do to my electric bill, may have to sell the house, do you think so?

Wonder what tomorrow will bring, something out of the ordinary I'm sure.

Granny here, just saying!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Where's the Water?

Granny here,

When I first started house hunting I knew that the next home would not be perfect just as the one I was living in wasn't perfect but I did expect to have some water.

The first house I liked and was planning to buy had water issues on the abundant side and the one that I finally bought had big water issues, like major leaks which couldn't be found. Go figure, just my luck, huh?

Well, a knock on the door, one day before moving day, the meter reader says you have a major leak somewhere, you have used 27,000 gallons of water in a month. I said I haven't even moved in yet, he says well the water is going somewhere and it's your responsibility to find and repair it. Well, thanks a lot, welcome home!

Plumber, plumber, where's the plumber, well he's in the phone book but he's not here. We called and called and called 3, 4, 5, 6, plumbers , finally one said he would come and take a look and that's about all he did was look. Well I'll be back tomorrow to start the job, who did he think he was kidding, this went on for days, come and go , come and go. In the mean time we moved in , no water, no toilets, no cooking nothing. Talk about roughing it, boy were we ever. Hauling water from the neighbors, from my friend the next street over, from the old house, just anywhere we could get water and boy this was not easy on a 72 year old that had been going like fighting fire for the past month day after day without stopping.

My strength was running out, it was one problem after another, first this leak, then another leak, where's the leak they couldn't find it, finally they dug up the yard put in new lines, still didn't know where the leak was, hey, what's going on here, where's the leak. Then they decide it's under the hot water tank embedded in the concrete, well, what now, dig up the concrete, God forbid not that. We were lucky didn't have to do that after all, they ran new lines to the tank and guess what, now no water to the 1/2 bath or washing machine, now run new lines to those two and we're done! Water, Water everywhere and even some to drink. But wait, there's one thing missing, "the bill", any takers out there in bloggers land! Will keep you posted once it comes in or maybe you'll know when you hear me screaming!

Granny here, just saying!


Granny here,

Well, I know it's been quite a while since I've grumbled to you folks but there's plenty coming just hold on to your breeches!

This nightmare of moving is just about over and boy it can't come to soon for me. I've never worked so hard in my life and without the few friends that came to my rescue I would be dead by now from hard work but they were there for me and we've accomplished quite a feat.

Thanks to my daughter Sherri, who worked like a slave horse and never got paid. Thanks to Rodney and his sons, Jarrod and Dustin for offering to move me and did a great job. Thanks to my mom who at 94 did more than those in the family many years younger, matter of fact they didn't even offer her any help. She did 90% of her own packing and unpacking with a tiny bit of help from one her daughters.

I have learned a lot through this experience, that folks aren't what they use to be. They don't run to your aid as in years past, when you're on your own that's just where you are on your own. I learned to not expect "love thy neighbor as thyself" because those are just words to most people but thank God a chosen few came through and did lend a helping hand.

The sad part of today's world is the people who are young and strong enough to help you out don't want to and the people who would are like yourself, old and not able to do too much but would if they could. I miss that world where people helped each other out more than they do today, it was a common thing when I was young for folks to gather together and get a big job done.

The world doesn't know what it's missing by not being there for each other but I thank God for those angels that God sent to rescue me and my mom in our hour of need. Without them the job would have been much harder than it was (if that is possible) and would have taken much longer to accomplish on my own if I could have done it at all. Thanks again for walking through this nightmare with me and now we can all wake up.

Granny here, just saying!

Talk About Lowe Down

Granny here,

On my 100th trip to the King of home improvement, Lowes, I was looking for some electrical wire to hook up my new electric range so I go to the aisle where all that stuff is located and the salesperson is busy with another lady so I take my place and begin to wait. While waiting my turn, this redneck about 30 years old walks up takes the salesperson and goes to another aisle, I was so insulted by his rudeness to step in front of me that I followed him and told him about his self, how rude he was and to prove it even further he didn't apologize or even act as if he had done anything wrong. The salesman came with me and apologized but I told him it wasn't his fault that the man was so rude. While we were looking for wire this jerk returns and walks between us several times to compound his rudeness. Where do these people hide? Wherever it is I wish they wouldn't find their way out to annoy other members of society.

These kind of jerks need to stay wherever they come from until they prove themselves fit to walk among us and so far they haven't done it, not in my book anyway. Rudeness is a cancer taking over our society and I don't like it. If we don't watch it will spread all over the place and then we will have ugliness all over the place not just at Lowe's.

Granny here, just saying!

Monday, July 8, 2013

End in Sight

Granny here,

Who would have ever thunk it but I believe the end may be in sight, its been a long time coming but it has been worth it. Hard work, vision and the loving hands of my daughter has made a dream come true.

It has been my dream to have a Tuscan kitchen for a long time now and it looks like I may just be on the verge of accomplishing my goal. With the help of family over the last three weeks we have worked ourselves silly and are beginning to see the results of our labor, a beautiful Tuscan kitchen.

Kudos to my daughter Sherri for her untiring efforts to bring this about, without her I would have never been able to accomplish it in such a short time by myself. She will never know how much I appreciate her and all that she has done for me through this move although I am trying to tell her, words are just not enough.

I'm loving it, its just what I envisioned and I know I will have many enjoyable hours in my new kitchen and I will think of those that helped to bring it about.

The move is getting closer, if we aren't drowned by Sat. the plans are to start moving in the new house. I think I am going to really like it there. It's a large house and I think we will have plenty of room.

The end is indeed in view and I'm loving what I see. Thanks be to God for allowing me this opportunity, to Sherri for all her help, to those friends that are helping me move. The end is in sight and oh what a sight it is.

Granny here, just saying!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Making New Friends or Enemies?

Granny here,

I thought I had experienced any kind of ache and pain that one could feel after living 70 years but I've been introduced to some new friends in the last few weeks and boy I hope they're just passing through.

I have things hurting I didn't know I had and I Don't Like It one bit! Why does the old body have to rebel when we do something it doesn't like, can't it just accept what has to be done and keep it's feelings to itself?  I guess not.

I've never been ran over by a Mac truck but I've a pretty good notion what it might feel like and boy does it hurt. Every fiber of my being is saying hey, listen to me, rub me first, soak me long and hard or just get off of me for a while. So when bedtime comes which would be 7 pm if I let my body have its way but then I would be up at midnight so I try to wait until at least 10 or 11 before giving in.

Then I have to face the moment when my eyes open the next morning and face the stiff, sore, tired, aching, muscles and bones that have lain dormant all night and now I have the task of getting everything to work again. What a job, that first movement will get cha for sure and those first steps on those tired, sore feet. Wow! does that wake you up!

But you know what's great about the old body, it just bounces right back like a spring, oh, don't get me wrong, the aches and pains are still there to remind me of all I accomplished yesterday and what price I will pay for accomplishments today but I forge ahead with a goal in mind, looking back when it's all over and say Welcome Home!

Thanks to all who helped me get there!

Granny here, just saying!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Bad Business

Granny here,

Well, today was busy to say the least but can't really said that we accomplished a great deal at least I didn't. My brother in law did get the old kitchen out of the way with some help from my daughter and myself.

So we decided to go hunting for the new flooring to be put down in the kitchen before the new cabinets go in which are being delivered Tuesday. We looked here and we looked there but no one seemed to have enough on hand to do the job. Finally we went to a small independent place down on south Lee and lo and behold we found it.

I paid for it and the man said we will deliver it before six p.m. this evening so we went to the new house and waited, and waited and waited. For what? Nothing, it never arrived. Now I ask you is that good business?  I think not but it happens more often than not.

Would they like to be told I'll pay you at such and such a time and then they waited and waited and waited, no they wouldn't like it and I didn't like it either. Very poor business I'd say and how can I recommend them to my friends?

Where do these people get it that they have the right to treat customers in such a manner, he didn't have any trouble taking my money, that was pretty easy for him to do but it was harder for him to keep his word.

This is bad business indeed and not to be recommended if you own a business please keep your word or don't make promises you can't keep. We should all be keepers of our word as the old saying went our word is our bond, not much bonding going on these days!

Granny here, just saying!