Monday, September 9, 2013

The Highwaymen

Granny here,

Will somebody in Bradley County please teach the highway department how to use signs?

I have had two instances where I have gone down a street just to find out that it was blocked and no signs had been posted to inform the public. The other day I was going to across over Durkee Rd. from Benton Pike to 64 highway and  I turned down Durkee just to find out that the road was closed and the man was telling people to turn around and go back the way they came. Have they not heard of "Road Closed" signs in the highway department.

There was a sign that said road work but no where did it indicate that the road was closed so they were letting people just keep coming and then making them turn around and go the other way, go figure, has intelligence and common sense took a permanent vacation around here. I see more evidence that that could be the case everyday.

Several times I have see signs that say "one lane traffic" but they never tell you what lane is closed up ahead. Is this too much trouble or do they not care that traffic could hit them where it hurts and it could be avoided by informing the public a little better of the conditions on the road ahead. One can never be over prepared especially on the highway.

Seems that there are an abundance of signs where we need them least and a shortage of ones that could prove to be life savers.

But we do live in Bradley County, Tn. don't we!

Granny here, just saying!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Must Be An Contortionist to Use Bathrooms

Granny Here,

My grumble for today is becoming all too common, the placement of bathroom paper dispensers in public restrooms. What made the brilliant mind that designs public restrooms think that we like to stand on our heads to get a piece of toilet paper anyway? This is becoming very frustrating to more than just me I'm sure and I just have to take time to blow off steam about it.

Every bathroom in this city I'm sure I have frequented more than once since I hold the record for visiting public restrooms and I'm telling you that one of these days they are going to hear a blood curdling scream come from within those walls because I have fallen out the door trying to stand on my head so that i may have the privilege of obtaining a piece of that fluffy white stuff they call toilet paper.

Anyone in their right mind would know that the paper dispenser doesn't have to be three inches from the floor we are not all little people in this world and they are the only ones I can think of at this moment that will appreciate the placement of said dispenser. But for the rest of us our blood pressure can't take much more of standing on our heads and carrying a roll on our person is out of the question but I guess one could get away with some tissue.

I haven't found one bathroom in the city of Cleveland that has a paper dispenser located in a convenient, easy to reach place without twisting my body into some form of pretzel shape to get the necessary paper and pretzel shapes are not my thing let me tell you at my age it's a little difficult.

May the force that is suppose to be with us please get the message across that most contortionist are in the circus somewhere not holding up in the bathroom at Wal-Mart!

Granny here, just saying!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Scott, My Rock

Granny here,

Years ago and so far away or at least in time I met a young man that changed my life forever. He was so cute, a James Dean sort of guy, shy, obscure and gentle. That was the one word that described him best, gentle. He was also kind and considerate and very thoughtful of other people always thinking of others. His name was Scott Smith, to all his friends which were many he was just Scotty.

We were married 48 years and 12 days, he died just 12 days after our anniversary on this date Sept. 2, 2007. He is so absolutely, positively in every way missed each and every day of my life. There is not a day that he is not in my thoughts and memories, there is just so much to remember about him how could I ever forget him.

I was 13 years old when I met him and from that day on he was the Rock that I stood on, the Rope that i held too, the Link in the chain that held everything together. He was as stable as they come, not afraid of much although he did have a fear of facing situations that required reading, writing and arithmetic, seeing how education was not his forte.

He was handicapped when it came to education but that didn't stop Scotty, he faced anything in life that came before him, working a job in a factory to support his family although it placed him in situations sometimes that he thought he wouldn't get through but somehow he did. He faced every challenge he had to and managed to accomplish more than college educated people that we knew. A failure, never, he was as successful as any other achiever in his community.

Scotty never thought much of himself, he always felt inferior to everyone because of his handicap but he was never inferior, compared to some he was Superior. He loved everyone around him, his family most. His children were the air that kept him breathing, I was the keeper of his home and he respected me for that. Together our goal was to make a loving home for our family and I hope we accomplished that, to love one another and we certainly did that and to love our children with a love that would embrace them all the days of their lives.

Scott left us without warning, God gave him a gift that we may never know and that was a painless exit from this life into the next. He left us in good standing with much to remember him by, his love, his warmth, his tenderness, his caring, his sharing, his consideration, his gentleness. I could go on  and on about this gentle giant that made my life much easier by (along with my Savior Jesus Christ) being my Rock, my Fortress, my Strong and Mighty Tower, he was my Scotty and oh, how I miss you.

Granny here, just saying!