Thursday, June 27, 2013

Demolition Darlings

Granny here,

Just checking in with a progress report of the new kitchen going in at the new house. Today we finished up the painting and the demolition darlings got started tearing down the old kitchen cabinets. Wish you could have seen them, just give them a miniature electric screw driver and a old fashioned hand held one and boy they were off and running.

First, down came the doors, then they started figuring out what to do next, then my brother in law came in and he got in on the act but the demolition darlings didn't let that stop them they continued on their mission to destroy that kitchen.

After they had taken apart all they could they started on the built in flower boxes, first one and then the other, still filled with dirt they hoisted them up  and out the back door they went, they didn't take a deep breathe while doing it. Piece of cake for those two (my sister Debbie and my daughter Sherri) if you have demolition in mind you might want to call the demolition darlings they get the job done.

The kitchen is well on its way to new glory if we can only get the cabinet arrangement figured out and that will be a blog all it's own. Even the help of the "experts" at Lowe's didn't do the job justice, the configuration is still wrong. Just leave it to Lowe's and you can do the job over and over and maybe over again.

Remember call 555-444-3333 for the Demolition Darlings, they're patiently waiting with tools in hand and a smile on their face longing for that call that will give them the satisfaction that only demo can. Timberrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Granny here, just saying!

Be Careful Little Tongue

Granny here,

Just listening to the news this morning and poor old Paula Deen is still on the chop block. God have
mercy on us as a society, do we have a lot to ask forgiveness for. Not only do we hypocrite to make ourselves look better but we crucify others to do so. What a price we will pay!

Michelle Malkin (which I believe is part black) summed things up pretty good this morning when she was talking about someone I forget who the lady was that twitted about her support for Paula and then in private (well, not so private since Michelle knew) tore Paula to shreds.

This is what is going on in the big elite world of the goody two shoes. Well, I would like to remind them that the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. So if you like those feet that your standing on (in other words,) that elite world that you've gotten use to I would change my attitude. God's word says what ever we expect of others will be expected (by Him) of us. And remember God never reneges on His word, what He says He will do.

It is shameless how we treat each other in this world, it's a wonder that God doesn't turn His back on us totally but He promised that He would be here always for us and He will be, but are we here for one another, I think not, I think we always have an alterative motive in mind. Sad isn't it?

I pray that God brings Paula through this fire that has been rained down upon her for something that most of society has done one time or another in their life and those that pretend that is isn't so are asking for a darker judgment to be handed to them. God's word says all liars shall have their part in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone and He means it folks! He's not like us as a parent, He means what He says so get ready for it, it will come to pass.

God is the giver of all good things but on the other hand He is a judge that only hands out JUST judgment, not FAIR judgment, God doesn't deal in fair, only just and that can be harsh folks, really harsh.

I love Paula just as I love Oprah, and they both have been wrong I'm sure many times in their lives just as you and I have, being wrong is not the only sin here it is the failure to forgive others and recognize that they are no different than the rest of us. A holier than thou attitude will certainly bring you into judgment sooner rather than later. God have more mercy than you already have.

I hope all these people take a good look in the mirror and really see what is looking back at them. A hypocrite in the flesh, who will ask for mercy but show none.

Granny here, just saying!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Silver Sallies

Granny here,

Yesterday was eventful to say the least, had to get on the go early, had lots to do and little time to do it. Went to town, stopped at the utility company to get account put into my name, then a stopped at the Banner, our local newspaper to have my moving sale ad put in then I was off to the bank to get a cashiers check to pay for the house I was buying. Whew! I'm running out of breathe and I'm just getting started.

After the bank, I met a friend for lunch at Chic Filet, yummy! and it isn't even noon yet, boy this day is going to be full. I closed on my house at noon and it went smooth but I had to dish out more money for some odd reason, oh, well thank God I had it.

Then it was off to the insurance company to get the new house under protection, one never knows so we must be prepared. Well, that cost me some more bucks and next I was off to the tax office, whew, I'm beginning to feel the pressure. Good news here, received a refund, not bad it paid for the last insurance.

I have my keys finally, I've only been waiting eight years for this day. The house that I bought has always been one of my favorites, matter of fact, my late husband and I looked at it several years ago and I've admired it ever sense never dreaming that one day it would be mine. Well, today that admiration became a dream come true. Thank you God!

Checked in at home to see that the silver queen (my 94 year old mother) was doing ok. Didn't get to visit long I had too much still on my plate and wanted to get to it and accomplish as much as possible with the help of my trusty silver sallies.

My sisters Anne and Debbie, and my lovely daughter Sherri came with brush in hand to pull me out of the pit I had put myself in with all the painting that had to be done. Supplies, we had them, boy did we ever but that's a sign of people who know what they're doing. (LOL)

They immediately got to the task and before long the paint was going up and before we knew it (or should I say 4 hours later) it looked like a different place and with all the good conversation we hardly knew we were working until we tried to get up from the floor or come down from the ladder and then our bodies said, wait a minute I feel some cruel treatment going on here. Nothing like having eight hands instead of two, it really makes a difference. Thanks girls.

The silver sallies made a difference and boy am I appreciative, wouldn't have gotten as far without them. Nothing like having people step in and help you out in a pinch. But I always do the same for them so it's tit for tat.

Granny, one of the silver sallies doesn't have the stamina that she once had and she can tell it when it comes to this type of work, oh, boy do I suffer the next day or should I say the same day. LOL

Well, sorry to say that tomorrow will be a repeat of today but Granny won't have to worry, with the silver sallies it's always Hi Ho Silver!

Granny here, just saying!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Anyone Seen Common Sense?

Granny here,

You know since I have been dealing with different people during the sale of my home and the buying of another one I have found that there is indeed something missing in our society today. Matter of fact there are several things missing. Let's see, there's common sense, some degree of intelligence and just basic everyday knowledge that any 3rd grader should know. It seems to have been replaced by stupidity.

I had to go to the bank the other day to do some business and the lady was suppose to print out a copy of something for me and she warned me ahead of time that she would probably do it wrong and sure enough she kept her word. I wondered how long have you been working here? You haven't learned how to place your paper into your printer yet and you have a good paying job in a bank of all places. Is there something wrong with this picture or is it just me?

I have had several experiences where the employee didn't seem to know their job, they don't know how to make change, they don't know how to take an order if it isn't worded just as they have been programmed.
They seem to have no sense of working on their own or figuring out things a different way. In other words there is no plan B if the programmed way fails to work.

Listen folks! We need to know a little more than just one way of getting the job done. Things don't always work the way they should and without a backup plan one could find themselves in deep do do. What has happened to folks these days. I know I've been out of the old classroom for many moons but do they still teach readin', ritin', and rithmatic? I can't tell it if they do by what I'm seeing out there in the workplace.

Oh, I'll admit that there are some smarts out there as long as it has a button attached. If you have to click a button, look at a screen, plug it in or use a password the younger folk don't have a problem, they're all over it but put them in a situation where they have to figure it out for themselves and they draw a complete blank.
This can't be good for our society folks, we need a backup plan, we need some good old fashioned common sense, intelligence and basic knowledge.

What would happen if everything electric went on the blink and it will only take one hit on our power grids and it's all over folks. Then where would we be? Would we have to go to the nursing homes and bring out the brains that have been stuffed into ten by ten rooms to take over and pull us out of the mess that all the intelligent geniuses have gotten us into. Don't get me wrong, progress is a good thing but we had better hold on to that which has already been proven to hold it's own before we move too far into the future.

Don't put the knowledge that has gotten us this far into storage just yet but combine it with the new and we can go even farther but don't make the mistake of thinking it is no longer needed. That is a big mistake!

Every generation has much to learn from the one left behind so don't move too fast or else you will find that you can't find your way back to pick up some of that book learning that you thought you didn't need. So put down those gadgets for a while and learn how to do something on your own, you never know when you'll be caught without you I phones, I pads, I touches, etc. and you will have to depend on the real I. YOURSELF

Granny here, just saying!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

When Will We Learn

Granny here,

My heart is heavy today as I watch the T.V. personalities crucify Paula Deen over something that I could almost be positive that everyone of them have done themselves and found justification in their own doing.

I am in no way condoning what was done in any way but I am not naïve enough to believe that this is a new occurrence. If everyone in our society that has ever said the "N" word as it is now referred to would drop dead we wouldn't have enough people left to carry on life as we know it.

Let's be grown up here and realize that offenses have always been among us and they aren't going anywhere so grow up and accept life as it really is. Mankind has always made mistakes and we will continue to do so as long as we are breathing. But we cannot continue to dwell on these mistakes or we will remain in the muck and mire of our own unforgiveness.

I am not saying that we should deliberately offend, we should work on having a deeper respect for our fellowman no matter where they come from or what their background. We all have two arms, two legs, a head and hopefully a brain within it to help us work on our problems together so why do we want to dwell on our differences instead of working together as humans.

We are teaching our children to be wimps and be offended at everything anyone says to them instead of teaching them to be strong and realize that it's not words that make you what your are but it's what you know you are inside. When the adult world makes everything bigger than it really is it becomes more than the children can handle but if they butt out the children will work it out themselves.

You know God sends us all here in good shape most of the time but when the adults get in on the act it doesn't take more than a few months until that sweet little human becomes a monster that no one can stand. Whose at fault here, the little baby, I think not. We need to take a good look at what parenting really means but that's a subject for another time, now back to the subject at hand.

As long as we have our past for dinner every night our future will be poisoned and we are unlikely to ever get anything worked out among ourselves.

God never intended that we all be the same if He had we would be. Each of us should take pride in who we are and realize the solution to our problem is a common RESPECT for one another. With RESPECT and FORGIVENESS we can repair some of the damage that has been done to our society.

When you think about it each of us is given (if God grants us mercy)around 80 years of life and if we go back and study any of those 80 year periods we will see that within each period the rules were different, things change, people change, laws change, society changes. We as a society cannot keep holding future generations responsible for the wrongs done by the people that lived before us.

Each period of time is going to make its mistakes and there will never be anything that we can do to change that. I agree that the mistakes made in the past should make any human hang their head in shame but it doesn't mean that we should pass this history on to future generations as ammunition to destroy the future. This is just as bad as what our forefathers have done and where is the justification in that.

If history is presented in all it's truth we will find that mankind has been abused all way down the line. All peoples not just a chosen few and it was wrong, my heart aches when I read or watch a documentary on TV about such things and I wonder how can human beings treat their own kind in such ways but they did, they do and they will.

I would love to say that I feel we are on our way to healing, forgiveness, and progress but I have lived many years now and can see no signs of this miracle taking place. Forgiveness must start in the hearts of men and women of every nationality around the world and then be the ingredient that we instill in our children and grandchildren. When we have them at our knee telling them of the horrible abuses done to their ancestors please don't forget that the soul to whom you speak will use your words to form their opinion and actions for the future, make sure that forgiveness is included in your history lesson.

How sad that we have been a society for over 200 years and we are still on the same threshold of a future where no forgiveness is welcome. God help us because if He doesn't we are doomed and God only helps those who help themselves.

Granny here, just saying!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Too Full (of yourself)

Granny here,

Living in Cleveland has been one of those teachers that I mentioned in one of my past posts. It has been a real eye opener in the area of how you treat others and being in the heart of scripture country can be very deceiving if you know what I mean.

One would think that living where the word of God is preached as much as it is here in Cleveland that
the people would eventually begin to get it but from my experience here, some of them don't have a clue, or should I say that most of them I've had dealings with haven't proved it to me that they get it. Maybe they get it but choose not to practice it.

Living God's word and hearing God's word are worlds apart, to live it brings in that ugly word that I mentioned earlier in one of my writings, sacrifice. In order to live the word of God we must put ourselves in the background, God tells us in His word to not think more of ourselves than we ought to but in spite of that it seems that here in Cleveland a lot of that kind of thinking is going on.

For instance, I have had several experiences with the resale stores where my items were just not "good" enough for their store although they were "name" brands which they always insist on. Think about this, someone's name is in your clothing, no one sees it, it's just a tag that you wish wasn't there anyways because they usually itch so bad and make you miserable but you want it there, does this make you feel that you are worthy to wear this person's brand although no one knows it but you. Do you pay mega bucks for "name" brand purses, shoes, etc. when no one cares what you are carrying or wearing on your feet but you pay the price and what for, pride, yes, pride.

Pride is when we think more of ourselves than we ought to think and yes, it happens more often than not. If we read God's word we find that He hates this and how can we please the Lord when we disobey and do things that He hates.

I had an experience the other day that made me pause and think. I am in the process of moving and have to thin myself out so that I will fit into the new house so I decided to take some of my "name" brand purses (bought at thrift stores) to a resale shop here in Cleveland, I knew they only dealt with name brands or nicer handbags so that's what I picked out to take. I had Stone Mountains, Aigners, Fossil, etc. so I thought I would be able to get rid of them, not so, they didn't measure up to the "higher" standards of the store personnel. I have a routine that I do before I take anything to a resale shop, I make a visit and look over their stock to make sure that mine measures up to what they are selling so I won't be embarrassed when I show up with "inferior" merchandise but so far that is what happens. I have been turned down several times because my items were inferior to their superior taste.

Granny says get over yourself, how do you get to decide what people will or will not buy as long as it is in good shape? And insulting your customers is certainly a no-no. I worked in the retail industry for many years and the customer pays your salary and don't forget it. At one resale shop here in town which I won't mention has insulted my sister several times by telling her that maybe she should shop at Target that maybe she could afford things there. Is this because they only want customers who have the prideful, heady, high minded attitude as themselves. Get real, how do they know that my sister isn't a millionaire. Some people refuse to wear their wealth but choose to keep it to themselves. But when pride becomes your favorite attire you will choose to make it as your outer apparel.

God help us to be more considerate of others feelings by treating them the way we would want to be treated, that is the only way that will pass God's inspection and we certainly want to pass that test.

Pride cometh before a fall and one thing about God, He always keeps His word, what He promises He will deliver.

So if we choose to be full of something let us be full of the love of God and not ourselves because the latter will definitely make us sick!

Granny here, just saying!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Pain and Agony on Me

Granny here,

Boy do I know what the guys on Hee Haw were singing about for all of you who remember that TV show. I have enough pain and agony to pass around to some of my enemies haha but I wouldn't do a thing like that now would I?

I've had them so long now that they have become friends because they're not going anywhere, I pretty sure of that. Right now they are more accentuated than usual, you know like taking over the whole body. Sorta like an invasion of the pain people with agony as a back up.

Did manage to get some sleep last night which is unusual but when you stay up for 24 hours falling asleep the next night comes pretty easy, I wasn't even aware of when it happened. Imagine that.

Packing is coming along and if I had someone to tape me up I'd probably jump in one of these boxes and do a disappearing act until this fiasco is over. But I don't think that is going to happen, no one to take my place, think about being so important that no one can take your place. Wow! now that's important. lol

Well, off to see the wizard of pain and agony, I think he's moved in for good.

Granny here, just saying!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Eye Glue Please

Granny here,

It's four twenty in the morning what am I doing up? Old people are suppose to sleep a lot. If that be the
case I must be 21. My body is trying to give up sleeping altogether I think and I hate it. This is just crazy, it's not normal, it's certainly not the ordinary for most people I hope because I wouldn't wish this kind of life on my worst enemy and I'm sure I have one out there somewhere.

I would do some trading if there was a soul out there somewhere who would be crazy enough to do some trading. I've done everything I can think of to put myself to sleep, listening to Pandora, did my dance routine, sweating like crazy but I'll be a monkey's uncle if I'm taking a shower at 4:30 in the morning, I'm not that crazy.

Well, thank God for Granny's Grumblins at least I can spout off through the written word and give my 2.5 readers something to feast their eyes upon, have to keep their interest you know or they won't come back and that wouldn't be nice now would it?

If anyone out there has a solution to this age old (pardon the pun) sleepless problem please don't keep it a secret you are sitting on a gold mine. Give it up and help out the millions that are sitting on their computers at this ungodly hour of the morning.

I've things to do tomorrow, important things and I can't afford to be staggering around like a drunk person with blurry vision, the eyes of deer and the look of someone with a hangover. Help! Do they make eye glue?

Granny here, just saying!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The School of Life

Granny here,

Well, I thought I was out of school many moons ago but I tell you I learn something new every single day.  Can't say I have a favorite teacher either here in the school of life, there are many to say the least. Some of them are gentle with their lesson and some just let me have it right out of left field with no warning.

But no matter how the lesson is handed to me I never fail to learn something that either makes me a better person or makes life a better teacher and sometimes both.

Lost an old acquaintance this week, killed in an automobile accident, I had not seen her in many years since time and space had separated us. She was only 65 and in today's standards that's not old at all. She was the mother of 5 children and I know they are heart broken tonight but I know one that will comfort them as no other can and that is God. He's always right on time with His comfort and mercy.

Lessons are all around us and I can see by the lost of a friend that life is not sure for any of us and our next breathe could be our last. The lesson of loss is a hard one to accept but it is one that comes to us all. But the real lesson here is that we should cherish those we have in our lives because giving of ourselves is a small price to pay for the friendship of another person or the love of our family. Oh, how short life is but the sad lesson learned here is that we learn this far too late in life. By the time that we realize how short life really is we are about to shut the door on our own.

As we have all learned life is shorter for some than others and what decides that is known only to Him who gave us life in the beginning. Some lives are cut short by their own doing and others never had a life to begin with and then some of us are blessed beyond what we deserve but that is all God's business and He is to be praised for whatever He chooses for each of us.

When we think about it we are in school everyday being taught by things we see, things we hear, people we talk to, books we read, movies we watch. We think that we are our own teacher, we learn what we want to but that is so far from the truth. Take a small baby, we think, oh, he's too young to understand but think again friend, he is learning with every smile you give him, with every bite you put in his mouth. He is learning from every word that you as his parents say either to him or to each other. He is learning that you love him or you don't, that you love each other or you don't, he is learning how he should act by what he sees you do or not do. He learns by watching how you treat others around you, he learns by what you allow him to listen too, to watch on television, the games you allow him to play, by the examples set before him. He learns from friends, neighbors, schoolmates, teachers, all of these people are his teachers giving him bits of wisdom, molding him into that person that will one day bloom into an adult.

Yes, we all are in school everyday of our lives, do we choose to learn those things that make us a better person so that will be an asset to our society or have we learned those things that will make us a burden on our fellowman. Think it over friend and you will see that there has been more teachers in your school of life than just the one standing in your classroom.

Life, what a classroom, bigger than anything contained in a building and with so many lessons to be learned no wonder life seems so short. But in this school God gives the report card and when it is handed to you no grade can be improved, it's too late so use your study time wisely.

Granny here, just saying!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Get Me Off This Roller Coaster

Granny here,

Well, received the counter offer on the house I 'thought' I was buying but it seems that the owner doesn't want to cooperate. What's wrong with him anyway, lol. I'm pretty good at haggling but I really just wanted to get this over with. This roller coaster ride is making me sick and I don't like being sick if you know what I mean.

With all the information I have on the owner and the house his profit margin is way out of line for what effort he has put into this house, virtually nothing other than buying it out of foreclosure and putting it back on the market. I think a $30,000 profit for that little bit of effort is asking a lot and I don't know if I'm his sucker or not. I may be old but I'm still a bargain hunter.

The house is fair, the neighborhood is not my desired neighborhood but it will do in a pinch and may improve with the coming years, who knows, it has been known to happen.

I think I could be happy there but God may have other plans and from the get go of this venture I have ask Him  to be in charge. But one thing about God, He doesn't let you in on it until it's all over, is that fair but if He did it any other way where would our faith kick in, if we see everything then where is the need for faith? No following God is like walking in the dark you just keep taking one step at a time until you see the light and sometimes it ain't easy my friends, no not easy at all.

I've been walking this way for over 50 years and it has proven to be the only way to go. God has never let me down, never forsaken me, never turned His back but He has let me fall on my face a time or two and He was always there to pick me up and brush me off. As I said before it isn't always easy but sometimes very necessary for our faith to get stronger and the more we use it the stronger it will get and right now I'm beginning to feel like Samson.

God has the answer to my dilemma and He will let me know what to do in due time. God doesn't do things on our time table but He is never late so I'll keep trusting, believing, praying but until that time somebody get me off this roller coaster!!!!!!!!!

Granny here, just saying

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Cheating Ourselves

Granny here,

 I have a lot on my mind today I guess you can tell, huh? So I'm back to give you another dose of what's on my mind.

Just sittin' her thinking about how families cheat themselves out of the joy of sharing each others lives. I know it's not 100% true but it happens more than not. It seems today that families are too busy doing nothing that they forget to take the time to share in their own family. Busy doing little and accomplishing less and not involved enough in their own families to know what is going on and what's worse most are not even interested.

I can remember and yes, I am old enough to have memories when something good happened to a member of the family it was as if it had happen to everyone. Everyone was excited for the family member, sharing in the event with enthusiasm and joy but that type of family seems to have gone by the wayside.

Sad isn't it that everyone today seems to be wrapped up in themselves and what they are doing more than anything else. There is an old saying "someone wrapped up in themselves makes a very small package."

There are several things that happens when we choose to not be involved in other peoples lives. First, we loose the joy of sharing, we lose the chance to learn from others, we lose the chance to teach others something that might be beneficial but the thing we lose the most is the chance to become closer, a chance to become part of one another, to bond and become one.

There's nothing like feeling that you belong, that you have been validated by those you love. Just because you are a member of a family doesn't mean that you feel like you belong. I hope I have not left that impression on my own family, immediate and extended. Involvement is nourishment for the soul of mankind, we crave it, we need it and if we don't find it in our own family we will look elsewhere and that's good too but love begins at home and the more we are involved with each other the more the love will grow.

Some of us may or may not have a friend that becomes more involved in our life that members of our own family and that can be good too. A good friend can never come along to often or stay too long in my book. I have friends that have been in my life for over 50 years and they are dear to me. I wouldn't trade our years together but they don't substitute for my family.

We all can relate to the Waltons, The Duggers and us older folks can relate to Father Knows Best, Life with Momma, Father of the Bride. These portrayals are what real families should look like. One may say this is dreaming but really it isn't, it can be done but it will not be done without love and work. Work by all and that will require involvement and plenty of it.

Becoming involved means giving, sharing, working, sacrifice oh, that's an ugly word, sacrifice, yes, sacrifice and plenty of it. When we choose to become involved we will sacrifice but oh the reward that we will reap, nothing ventured nothing gained. Think about it, are you involved?

Granny here, just saying!

The Lord's Day

Granny here, down through time we have heard the term 'the Lord's day' I just got to thinking that every day is the Lord's day. He was kind enough to loan it to us but we should never forget that He can take it back any time He chooses. The days of all time belong to Him and He can share them with whomever He chooses, aren't you lucky?

What will you choose to do with your lucky day? Will you keep it to yourself? Will you share it with Him ? Will you share it with your wife, your husband, your children? What will you do? You only have twenty four hours and then it will be gone forever, you will never ever have this day back again, no other day in your lifetime will be the same as today.

A great number of humans choose Sunday as a day set aside to go to the church of their choice and give thanks to God for all His blessings which is good "but" is that the only time we give thanks, shouldn't the way we live our lives say thank you every day.

I was thinking the other day about the ten commandments and what an impact they would have on society if we done nothing but use them as the rules of our society. We would have no need for laws, policemen, jails, prisons, welfare or reform schools. We wouldn't have to lock our doors, spend lonely hours and days by ourselves, stores would have no need for guards or surveillance equipment. Children would have no need of new parents, parents would have no use for divorce, children would have their real parents forever and child abuse would have never been heard of.

As a society we think we are so intelligent but from where I'm standing we look pretty bad and after all this time since the beginning we have continually proven that we cannot make good decisions. It's true that we have managed in spite of ourselves to accomplish some amazing things but the one thing we have not been able to do is form a good society. One where our only goal is to make life better for ourselves and those around us with whom we share this world.

The reason for our failure is singular, "Me". Me manages to deter us from success in every area of society, Me seems to be the stumbling block that causes man to stumble all the way to the grave "but" if we would only look behind us and see that things can change if we would put "Me" where he or she belongs and that is at the beginning of Mercy and that is what God has extended to mankind, His unending mercy and how can we do less for each other.
 Wow! the more I think about it the more sense it makes that if we only did what we were told what a wonderful world it would be.

Granny here, just saying!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Final Decision

Granny here, sorry for not posting last night I was just to exhausted to think, honestly. Still looking for that perfect home, found one and think it is the one but can one ever be sure? Just saying, and knowing myself like I do that may be an understatement.

The house that I've chosen seems to have all that is needed for me and my mother to function without too many difficulties. It's not perfect by any means but it has what is needed to carry out daily living in somewhat of a normal way if anyone lives normally today, but then again, what is normal?

Making that final decision in any circumstance is a hard thing to do and one always seems to second guess themselves when making any kind of decisions. I am no different matter of fact I'm probably worst that the average Joe but the decision is made if the good Lord doesn't change my mind. I've made an offer and waiting for the response.

But the final decision that we make about our eternal home is far more important than the one Granny has just made. The decision about where to live in the here and now doesn't hold near the consequences as the final decision as to where we will spend eternity, better give it some serious thought! Just saying! Bye for now. Granny

Moving on Up

Granny here, tired, did someone say tired, wow! that's an understatement. Got a lot done today, had my yard sale with the daughter and grand-daughter, didn't get rich by any stretch of the imagination but did come out with a few bucks. Man is it hard to get people to buy things these days, we all just have way too much. Downsizing is not as easy as it looks because you need the cooperation of other people and one can't always get that.

After closing the sale which I will say I will be having again in a couple of weeks and try to get rid of some more I went next door to my mothers and began helping her pack her treasures that she is taking with her to our new house. She doesn't know the work downsize it just isn't in her vocabulary but I'm teaching her real quick. You're never too old to learn and she is 94 so she is proof of that old saying.

Anytime your moving up, out, down, or over there is lots to do and sometimes it's overwhelming and I do not like that feeling. I made an offer on our new dwelling today and if all goes well and we should be able to start moving by the first of July and that will give us a month to get out of here and get things cleaned up. Can two old women do it? I think we can with the help of a few good friends and family we will getter done.

Well, I'm so tired it's hard to think right now so I guess I'll get out of your hair and let you have some time to yourself. But remember I'm moving on up to the south side. Ole Granny is moving on!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Boxed In

Granny here, well, I packed my first box tonight getting ready for the big move. I hope there's a superman out there somewhere that will be able to lift these big suckers. If my sale goes like I hope maybe there won't be much left to pack except for the bedrooms and I'll have those done.

Where would we be without the good old corrugated box, well we'd be making a lot more trips to the truck I'm sure of that. My husband of 48 years worked in a corrugated box factory for years and he knew his boxes, I miss him so much, he was a keeper.

You know boxes are a lot like people, they come in all different shapes and sizes, colors and strength. Some thick, some thin, some sturdy, some weak, yep! just like people wouldn't ye say. That's the way we are different as daylight and dark but we all come in handy.

I just got to thinking where are these boxes going once I get them packed, haven't found a house yet, well, you might say I was homeless. Let's see which member of the family would love to have some company? I wonder if they have room for my boxes?

Well, time will tell, there's a new home out there just waiting for me and my boxes, will I be your new neighbor? Bye for now got to find my way out of this bedroom. Granny

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Topsey Turvey

Granny here, well let me tell you that my life right now is topsey turvey to say the least. My house looks as if I just moved in instead of getting ready to move out. Having a huge moving sale this Sat. and boy is my house a mess. Things are everywhere, I mean everywhere  they shouldn't be.

I've cleaned out closets, drawers, and all my hiding places and brought out all the good stuff for you folks that are planning on paying me a visit Sat. You're going to kick yourself if you miss this one, it's a doozey. I have something for everyone but the babies, don't have any of the little folks stuff but for mom and dad I've got that covered so come and get it.

If topsey turvey means upside down then that's exactly where I'm at, almost standing on my head. Lots of things to get done in the next few weeks but God is faithful and He will see me through to the end, He's just like that. Trusting Him can be tricky sometimes but you have to do it, how else can He show us what He can do. Love Him for His faithfulness.

Well, bye for now and if you get your life in a topsey turvey position it will give you a different perspective. Granny

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Bumpity, Bumpity, Bump

Hello Friends, It's me again, Granny, hope your life is going as smooth as it can but you know that life can get a little bumpy sometimes. You've heard the old saying "smooth sailing" well, sometimes there is nothing smooth on life's sea or her road either whichever you might be traveling at the time.

Right now my road has some bumps in it and I might have to jump a little higher to get over them but I think there's hope if I keep my eyes on the prize which right now happens to be a house for me and my mother.

Taking responsibility for ones self is par for the course but being the caretaker of an elderly parent when you're no spring chicken yourself can put some major bumps in your road, if you know what I mean. And when that old fellow arthritis comes to visit one can't jump too high and sometimes he overstays his welcome if you ask me.

My days lately have been pretty bumpy and they may get even more bumpy before this house hunting adventure is over but I think I'm up to the task but until I get it accomplished it's going to be bumpity, bumpity, bump.

Well, I've got to go look for some padding, have a great week! Granny

Monday, June 10, 2013

An Eye Opener

Granny here, well since I am just a babe at this blogging business I need to explain my Grumblins. G is for Granny's (surprise) R is for Realistic, U is for Understanding of, M is for many, B is for Baffling, L is for Lifelong, I is for Incidents that, N is for Never and S is for Stop.

 To sum it all up its Granny's Realistic Understanding of Many Baffling Lifelong Incidents that Never Stop.

Now for today's grumble- Well, I have been in the process of trying to buy myself a home and today was inspection day for the beauty I had picked out. Well, let me tell you beauty is not skin deep in this realm of reality. In a home inspection the layers of beauty are peeled away and nothing but reality is left, take it or leave it. I hate to say it but I'm going to have to leave this one no matter how much beauty she had on the surface, the layers beneath revealed far more than I was willing to deal with. You've heard the old saying you can't go on first impressions well today was an eye opener for me and let me tell you I didn't like what I saw. We don't always like what we see but God sees all and I'm sure He has a better plan and since He is my guide I choose to follow Him and while my eyes were opened to the hidden dangers of my chosen beauty I will wait a little longer.

Wait upon the Lord will be my battle song until victory is won!

Have a great one Granny

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Ad it all up!

This is my first attempt at blogging so bare with me until I get the hang of it. Grumblin comes easy but writing it down so that someone will enjoy reading it might pose some difficulties.

My grumble for today is Ads as in advertisements I hate them, they are everywhere, on the radio, on the tv, on our fb pages, on our emails, is there nothing sacred these days. Can't we have at least one place where this junk isn't popping up in our faces. We are intelligent human beings and I think we are savvy enough to know what we want to buy without some company pushing there product down our throats. If they would save some of that advertising money then they wouldn't have to aggravate us so much about buying their products. Right! I understand we need a little prodding now and then but please give us a break! Ads don't need to attack us everywhere we turn, please stop invading our space.

Remember that old song, Signs, Signs, Everywhere a Sign, well that's more true today than ever before and now we have roadside television, that's a brilliant idea but I'll blog about that another day.

Thanks for reading, Enjoy!