Saturday, August 17, 2013

Looking for the N Word

Granny here,

Well now a days everyone is talking about the N word, well I'm talking about one too but it's the word No. Does any parent use it these days, I can't seem to find any that do.

I was in Wal-Mart the other day and this woman had two girls about 6 and 8 in a cart, not small for their age if you know what I mean. The younger one was making a scene by yelling and talking loud asking for things and trying to tell her mother what to do then she precedes to climb out of the cart and crawls around on the floor on all fours and crawls out the doors into the garden area and then back in while her mom is in the check out, not once did I hear her mother say don't do that, come in here, get back in the cart, you can't have that, no she just took all the order the little angel gave her and let the little BRAT do as she pleased.

What is wrong with people now a days, someone needs to open a school and teach people how to be parents. Having children does not make a you a parent it's doing the work that makes you a parent. Teaching, training, setting examples, making an impression on your children, that's what parenting is all about. It's a job! not a position of glamour, and jobs mean hard work but I don't see much of that going on today with these people who call themselves parents. Wow! Does the world have some suffering to do if things don't change, these little monsters will be running the world one day or the world will be running after them one.

Lord, give us good parents so that we can rear some good people that will in turn give us a good society to function in.

We cannot raise good kids on one word, yes, No have to be a companion to balance out the act or we will be in for a lot of headaches and some of them we will have no medication to take away the pain, it is permanent!

Granny here, just saying!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Good As It Gets

Granny here,

Well, life is just about as good as it gets, God has brought my only child back home after a safe tour of Europe. She has planned this vacation for months and I'm glad she got to go but I'm happier now that she is back home.

I'm sure she has lots to tell me and of course I will be more envious than I was already. I have longed all my life to go to Italy but have never been fortunate enough or rich enough to get that far away from the shores of the good old U.S.A. but I can't forget the wonderful trip she took me on last year to Nova Scotia, what a time we had, wonderful.

She is a gem, a real keeper and I love her very much. I'm so glad she had this nice vacation with her husband Don, who shares in her enthusiasm for life. They do everything together and that's the way it should be I wish more couples saw the benefit of doing things together. The couple that "lives" life together will more than likely stay together. Those that just share the same space will have difficulties I'm sure.

I'm glad she got to go and I'm glad she's home again, don't know what next year will bring but I think some saving is in order before the next excursion cause traveling don't come cheap. Around town, around the U.S. or around the world traveling cost dollars and lots of them.

Can't wait to hear all the details and see all the beautiful pictures, if I couldn't go in person at least she brought it back in pictures. Gotta love that girl and I do. Life is as good as it gets at least for the moment.

Granny here, just saying!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Anyone Seen Honesty?

Granny here,

Had an experience today that I didn't enjoy and don't want to ever again. Having just sold a home and moved I had left many things at the old house with the understanding with the new owner that I could come and get them at my convenience since I didn't have a home made for everything yet and it may take some time and he agreed that it was no problem.

Well, today we decided to go and get a silhouette of a man and a dog that my mother has had for over 20 yrs. and she always thought it looked like my dad so she wanted to keep it. When we arrived one of the ladies that is going to live there was just getting into the car and I walked up to ask her permission to take it down and she say it was fine and I told her the story of how mom always liked it because it reminded her of dad. She said fine go and take it down, so I got my screwdriver out of the car and took it down. Job done, we said our good byes and left.

Surprise! About an hour later a white truck drives into my driveway and a young man by the name of Chris gets out, I thought at first that he had come to ask about cutting my grass because we had talked about it before. But that wasn't what he had on his mind. He goes on to tell me that the lady whom he calls grandma (she isn't his) sent him to find out why I came out there and trespassed and took something that was attached to the building. He also says that she will probably call the police when he goes back out there and tells her that we are keeping the man and dog.

After he left I called the real owner of the property who happens to be in Fl. until he retires and told him what was going on and he just laughed it off as something silly that Chris had taken things into his own hands and that his mother in law hadn't said any such things. He couldn't believe that Chris had come over here and said those things to me or at least that's the way he made it sound.

If honesty is lurking in that family somewhere I would love for  it to come out because I can't seem to find it anywhere. I would never impose on someone's property and help myself without asking permission first which I thought had been worked out earlier in the transaction between the buyers and myself. I am a keeper of my word and what I promise I will try my best to do or at least explain why I can not.

I don't plan on going back out there for anything and there is plenty out there that belongs to us. We were nice enough to leave the water on for them until they got up here, left them two beds that he requested and loads of other things that could be used on the mini farm that I would be unable to use over here at the new place. It makes me feel bad to think that people can be so petty about a piece of plywood.

Honesty is one of the best virtues a person can possess and I intend to keep mine active as long as I live to the best of my ability. I'm not saying that I don't make mistakes from time to  time but I ask God to forgive me for my wrong and I certainly will try to do better the next time around.

I want to believe the family but there is foul play somewhere and honesty is hiding in the shadows but God knows all things and I want to be able to say that I have kept my end of the transaction because if a person can't keep their word what can they keep?

Granny here, just saying!

Monday, August 5, 2013

The View from 72

Granny here,

Well, this is a special week for me, Wed. is my 72 birthday and I must say the view from 72 isn't all that bad. First of all I never thought I would make it this far and the blessings bestowed upon me are too numerous to count. God has abundantly blessed me through the years and I am indeed grateful.

But you know now a days, the new 40 is 60 and the new 50 is 70 so I'm actually only 52 now isn't that just great. That means that I lose my senior discount (lol) and my mother will expect more from me than she already does but on the bright side maybe I can get a man around 55 to look my way, think I have a chance? I knew there was something great about this birthday and I never thought I would be 50 again but the world is full of surprises.

I'm enjoying myself at any rate but missing my birthday celebrator Sherri who has skipped the country and gone to Italy, France and Spain without permission I must say. Can't say as I blame her, she deserves every day of her vacation and a wonderful man to go with her. Hope they enjoy themselves to the fullest extent of foreign law.

Well, back to birthdays, they're wonderful no matter what the year because it is the greatest gift that you can receive that God has counted you worthy to receive one more. Thank you God from the birthday girl.

So when you're 72 don't forget to enjoy the view, I am!

Granny here, just saying!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Wide Eyed But Not Bushy Tailed

Granny here,

I hate to say this but I have been up since 2 am, not bragging, no siree, I'm really a grumbling granny right now. I am so sick of this routine that I am ready to try anything to get a good nights sleep which hasn't happened in many a moon.

I know they're are pills out there for such things but I hate pills, the whole world is on pills but don't get me started on that soapbox. I would just like to know why I don't sleep.

I might sleep through the night one night a week if I'm on a lucky streak but most of the time I don't. I sleep maybe 3-4 hours and then I am up for 3-4 hours. It seems that for every hour my brain allows my body to sleep I must pay a penalty of staying awake for that amount of hours. This is crazy but it has become my way of life and it's no fun let me tell you.

When everyone else (maybe not everyone, they're are more like me out there) is getting their day on the move I am getting sleepy again and ready for beddie by.

If I ever get this mystery solved I will quickly become a millionaire by selling the valuable information but don't look for my book anyway soon!

Good Night (5:45 am)

Granny here, just saying!