Thursday, June 29, 2017

Grumblin No More

Granny here,

No more grumblin granny, no one likes a grumbler! LOL

Just kidding

Just saying!

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Welcome Back

Granny here,

I'm back from wandering in the world of computer confusion. Somewhere in space and time my blog became lost to new postings so I couldn't write anything for the past few months but all is well or "not" depending how you look upon my writings.

I last wrote on August 9th of last year which was two months to the day after losing my precious mom to heart disease. She was a keeper for sure, volumes could be written about her but we won't do that here.

A lot has transpired since then, I am learning to live alone for the 3rd time and I must say I do pretty good at it. There are times when noise in the house would be a good thing but since I can only make so much I'll have to settle for it.

The doctors are trying to tell me that I may be developing my own health issues which we all do if we live long enough so I'd say it's par for the course so why should I be surprised. We are in the stream of life and there are bound to be some rocks in the stream and we will be bruised from time to time won't we. So I may be bruised but I'm still floating and until God says to come into shore I will continue on my journey.

Granny here
Just saying!