Saturday, October 12, 2013


Granny here,

Just sitting here thinking about life, what a trip and to think no want buys their own ticket. We are sent on this journey by someone else without being ask and then when we grow up and have children we send them on their journey. Funny isn't it? Or should I say perplexing.

Been learning some things lately that I didn't want to know although being alert as I am I had my suspicions a long time ago. Life has a way of doing that to us whatever we hope won't happen it usually does. Murphy's law is always in effect. Disappointments are always just around the corner.

Learning to deal with all these things is the secret to a successful life I think. It's not what life does to us it's what we do with what life hands us that counts. I must say I'm not the greatest at dealing with issues but I have been successful a time or too. With the help of Almighty God and his favor I have come through some pretty rough waters in my life but no rougher than anyone else and not near as rough as some.

God has been so good to me and my family although we have had some disappointments and although there will be others down the road He will be there to help pick up the pieces. Life is rough sometimes there's no denying that fact but there is a God that is bigger than any problem that we will face down here. He doesn't always come and swoop us up out of the miry clay but he does give us the strength to trudge through it.

Everyone has to face demons in this life but sometimes we don't have to go out and invite them into our lives and that's exactly what we do sometimes. Mankind always thinks "it won't happen to me, I can handle it" when in fact they are about to learn a lesson that will teach them far more than they want to know. Sometimes we better leave well enough alone and be thankful that our life is as smooth as it is without taking things into our own hands and complicating our life until it becomes as twisted as a pretzel.

God is gracious and good and He is constantly giving us information, examples etc. to guide us along if we will only pay heed to what He is trying to teach us. When we watch others around us destroy themselves by their choices in life and then we choose to follow in their footsteps we have not learned what God has been trying to teach us and we will pay the consequences you can be sure of that. For every action there is a reaction and that equation has never changed and it won't change for you either.

Life is a wonderment for sure, questions abound and most without answers but even with all it's disappointments it can be a fascinating journey if we watch our p's and q's. If we use our experiences as stepping stones and not drowning stones we will prove ourselves wise and life will hold many delights for us even in the mist of disappointments.

To God be the Glory!

Granny here just saying!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Society Disconnect

Granny Here,

Lately I have become disgusted with a lot of things and one of them is the social media that has eaten up our world until we have become a facsimile of our former selves.

We have become social zombies that have no intellect for conversing with one another without the aid of technological devices that have multiple choice buttons for us to entertain ourselves with while communicating with the zombie on the receiving end.

I shutter to think what this world would be like if electricity ever becomes the target of our adversaries. Within twenty four hours we would become confused, deranged, and unable to fend for ourselves with the aid of all our gadgets.

If you think this is silly talk just take a look around you one day and tell yourself what you see. Everyone or most of society under the age of 70 has at least one gadget but probably two or three that are their constant companions, it is their drug of choice.

They have the trusted cell phone "don't leave home without it", their ipad which stays by their side as if it held all the secrets of the known world and that's just the beginning. Then there are the laptops, the ipods, the bluetooths, hip style, ear style, what has this world turned into?

These technological wonders now have their own stores, only for them, full of the latest drug that will set your world on fire, that will eat up your hours faster than a clock can produce them. Why, without this marvelous laptop I wouldn't be able to complain in this fashion, how sad!

What's worse before you learn how to use your latest gadget they have produced another one that makes it look like a toy and we just keep saying "I want that one, no I want the new one coming out", when will it end? When we completely stop talking to each other, when we find ourselves feeling attacked when we're in the room with another human being asking ourselves what do I do now?

It's a sad day for our society when parents have given in to such nonsense and have to text their children to get them to the dinner table if they are so lucky to find them within the perimeter of the home. And the ludicrous practice of allowing these gadgets into the schools. What educational monster thought that was a good idea.

When I went to school (and I won't say how many years ago that was) writing a note to a fellow student was an offense that got you sent to the principals office. But not today when the students call the punches, when cell phones and ipads, laptops and all the other gadgetry is as welcome as any school child and most of the time furnished by the school system itself. When will society wake back up from this technologically induced coma that has be thrust upon us by some mastermind that has over accomplished what he set out to do. We are hooked!

I understand that with every era of time and invention some of us become intimidated by them but this time we have gone too far. When progress alienates us from one another, when it replaces affection with complacency and dissolves our concern for each other I must say I do become intimidated.

I have never nor will I ever come in contact with a gadget that makes me feel the warmth that I feel when my daughter or grand-daughter comes walking in my door, when they sit down at my table to eat food that I have prepared for them. When we sit for hours and talk over the things that bother us, when we have our therapy sessions without realizing that we are helping each other with our conversation. No gadget can do that!

No gadget with give me the contentment of feeling warm arms around my neck from someone that loves me and I love them. I'm afraid those days are slipping away from society and we are to the point that society doesn't want those moments anymore, people have become an intrusion on our time, our time that is spent immersed in screens, games, gossip, filth, porn and advertisements.

Remember the old saying "what goes in comes out"? Well we have become a social trash can! Our society has become the inner space trash station and we are bombarded with it from all sides. We cannot dart enough to avoid it but we can make the choice to be in control of it.

We no longer live in the infamous fish bowl but we have been thrown into the tank and it's a big one. Swim as we may this channel will be long and hard but don't despair there are lifeboats along the way if we "choose" to get in them.

We must take a good long look at ourselves and decide if we own the gadgets or do they own us, will we give in to the drug of technology or will we take our modern day drugs as the doctor prescribes in small doses?

As for myself, I'm kinda fed up with the scene. I'm sick of seeing everyone's petty comments of their everyday mundane activities as if they had nothing else to do except let the world know that their dog can jump through a hoop or that they washed their hair that day.

Have we become so wrapped up in ourselves to think that we are so important that other people are waiting for the news that we went to the beauty shop today or that our child got an A on their report card.

We have become a society that is so disconnected from each other that we feel threatened when we come face to face. Our space is being invaded and we don't like it. It's a sad day indeed and now I fully understand the old saying "back in the good old days."

Granny here, just saying!