Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Insanity Prevails

Granny here,

Well, I've heard it all, in a commerical this morning Chevy announcing their latest donation to highway saftey, in car wifi. Folks we have arrived, on the edge of insanity that is. Can you imagine, we can now eat, watch tv, listen to the radio, change clothes, put on make up, disciple the kids (maybe) read a book and if that wasn't enough now we can go online without a problem, all while pretending to drive our cars. Wait! There seems to be one thing missing, driving, watching the road, looking out for red lights, stop signs, pot holes, road construction, keeping our eye on the other driver, tell me while doing all the other things when will we find time to do what we are actually in the car to do in the first place, Drive!

This is insanity! How did Chevy ever get clearance to add such a dangerous feature to a moving vehicle. Don't we have enough problems on the highway now without adding new ones to it. While I'm on the subject of safety in our cars what about all the buttons and gadgets on our steering wheels, folks this is a moving object in our hands that has to be still for us to perform the function needed at any given moment, did the manufacturer forget that the steering wheel is a moving object that cannot remain in a still position when in use. I'm all for nothing on my steering wheel, everything should be in a panel on the dash within reach of the driver, it's a lot safer to reach forward than to have to run your buttons down on a moving target such as they steering wheel.

Get with it car manufacturers, give us safety features in our vehicles not things that make you look good with little thought to the dangers you're placing the driver in. And while I'm on the subject of car safety, children do not belong straped in the back seat away from their parent who is driving. I almost lost my son to a choking incident from that very situation. By the time I pulled off the road, jump out of the car and got to the back where he was he was pretty well strangling to death. Luckily I made it to him in time but how many children will have to die before the world understands that a child needs to be near their parent.

Well, that's my take on safety in our vehicles, hope this made sense to someone other than myself!

Granny here, just saying!