Saturday, November 22, 2014


Granny here,

It's that time again Thanksgiving and Christmas two of the greatest days of the year! They are also days when memories come flooding in like a sunami and fill ones mind to overflowing. Memories that help us understanding the true meaning of Thanksgiving and visions of long gone Christmases that fill us with joy as we go over them on the memory player of our mind.

Memories that may have been tucked away for safe keeping that we thought were put away for good make their way into the present and fill us with longing for days gone by. Memories that fill us with longing for the friends we once knew, that gift that was so special, that dinner at mom's. Memories of those that no longer fill our lives or sit at our dinner table or peek at the gifts under the tree. Those that God saw fit to take from us without asking our permission that left hole in our heart and an empty place in our daily lives that no one or nothing can fill. But we can be thankful for the years we had and the memories we made before they left us.

Old memories made return from time to time but there are new memories to be made, memories of new blessings to be thankful for, new friends around our Thanksgiving tables, new faces of new additions to the family either by birth or marriage. God's blessings never cease we just have to recognize them. For all of us just having another Thanksgiving and Christmas is a blessing within itself. Not every family will be priviledged when the holidays arrive.

So when you sit around your table on Thanksgiving and you open your gift on Christmas a memory may make its way into your celebration welcome it as a member of the family, give it its rightful place of honor and enjoy what was with what is to be.

Happy Thanksgiving

Granny here, just saying!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Live and Learn

Granny here,

Everyone with ears and over the age of ten has heard the old adage "Live and Learn", well I am here to tell you that is one of the truest statements you will ever hear in your lifetime. Please pay attention.

Don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with seeking an education and it's a necessary element in everyone's life but book learning is just the tip of the iceberg. We need it because it's a requirement for the tangible side of life but your real education will come with each passing day and the experiences that you have within that twenty-four hour period. And let me tell you some days can be real eye openers.

I have come to the realize that:

I have not accomplished all that is listed below but again I'm still learning.

Learning (not education) comes to you, you don't have to search for it.
You will learn even when you have no desire too.
Experiences don't ask your permission.
You did not form your children they were formed when you got them it just takes a few years for their real shape to be revealed. Surprise!
When you're young you tell your body what to do.
When you're old your body tells you what to do.
You do not choose your friends, they choose you, you just have to be receptive.
Life is one big classroom and the teacher is Experience.
Your classmates are not wimps, they are fierce, challenging and at times brutal.
Armor is necessary equipment for this journey that you have been thrust upon.
You didn't ask for this trip but since you're on it, get the most out of it.
Ditch the word "retirement", it will never happen, oh, you may quit the 9-5 but life goes on. Work comes in other forms believe me.
Live while you can, when you have the stamina, the strength, the drive, the want to.
Don't wait!  Remember you do not control your future and life is waiting to happen and it will happen to you.
You will not always be able to do what you have planned because "life" has other plans and believe me "life" has control.
"Life" is happenings that you didn't see coming, things that say "here I am" and you say "who are you and what are you doing here."
We all dream and that's a good motivator for anyone but we must not forget that with every dream there may be a nightmare or two so be prepared for the unexpected.
Take each day as a new canvas and by bedtime you will either love your painting or you will find that it will have be smeared by time and circumstance. (in or out of your control)
My mother's favorite saying " the best laid plan of mice and men have often gone astray" has proven true more than I want to accept.
Life can be cruel so we must be tough, remember the armor clause.
Life can be full of devastating events but they don't have to leave you in devastation. You have been given the shovel of will and determination for that, don't forget to use it. Dig, Dig, Dig.
"Where there's a will there's a way."
Happiness isn't on the outside but on the inside, if you don't have it you will not be able to share it, so look deep.
Material things gather dust, internal things realize that.
Remember you have something that someone else needs don't be stingy.
The time that you waste could save someone else from mental disaster so when someone is begging for attention have a heart, it could be you.
We all talk about love but "God is Love" so do you have love?
Age can travel faster than any of us so don't waste your energy running you will be caught.
Make friends with age because it will be your constant companion and the sooner you understand each other the better friends you will become. Don't make an enemy of your future, living with enemies is hard.

And last but not least by any means and I'm sure I've missed a lot but there is another blog coming, don't blame, hold grudges, and judge, these are cancers that will only consume the person possessing them. And remember if you're still breathing you will be learning. Experience never retires.

Granny here, just saying!