Thursday, May 29, 2014


Granny here,

Just sitting here in the wee hours of the morning wondering why a whole family is ostrasized by one family member that have been mistreated in some way by one family member. This isn't fair to those of the same family who may have a different opinion of what has transpired. Everyone don't always agree on the actions of a family member so why should they be left out of a relationship that should be theirs.

This has happened within our family with a nephew whose dad chose to relinquish all contact with his son so the son chooses to punish the entire family by not accepting any contact that has been made toward him. This seems to be harsh punishment for the members of the family that would choose to have a relationship with him and he chooses to ignore it because of the actions of his dad, so much so that he changed his last name to that of his mother.

Family members have nothing to do with the actions or decisions of another family member although efforts may have been made to change the situation but to no avail. Although disagreements happen within families it doesn't mean that the one being disagreed with is thrown to the wayside and forgotten. Families must learn to live with each others decisions and go on with their relationship the best way possible but discarding each other is not an option.

It's been around 25 years now and after accidently finding ways to make contact which I did and was actually responded to in the beginning but now find that none of my advances are accepted in any way. I'm just trying to keep the person informed on his grandmothers condition and information about her that I thought he would find interesting but I guess he will continue to punish the entire family for the actions of his dad. It's sad that families are robbed of relationships that should have been theirs but that happens more than we would like to admit. Life happens!

Speaking from the outside.

Granny here, just saying!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Wedding Bells

Granny Here,

Well, I just returned home from the old faithful Ohio trip which I must say seems to get longer as the years go by. It still takes 9 to 9 1/2 hours no matter how you drive it to make the trip. It seems that there just isn't any way to cut any time off that trip.

My nephew Evin and his beautiful bride Danielle Kole said their "I Do's" Friday evening at 5:30 in Lakewood Park on Lake Erie in Lorain Ohio. The day was special ordered and came in just as planned which is to say it was perfect, beautiful, breezy, and the landscape couldn't have been more beautiful than that donated free by beautiful Lake Erie.

The bride was gorgeous and the groom was beaming with pride in the moment. The scenery was the perfect backdrop for the ceremony and the bridal party filled their places with pride and everything went off with only one little glitch, the bridal runner snapped in two as it was being pulled down the aisle by the groomsmen. It served as a good nerve reliever and everyone had a good laugh from the incident even the bride and groom.

After that everything went as planned, ceremony, congratulations, pictures and of course the reception which was held at Wagner's Country Inn in Westlake. Everyone enjoyed themselves to the fullest especially one little four year old princess named Amelia, daughter of the bride and groom. She stole the show, dancing every dance, enjoying herself for all it was worth, not seeing a stranger she had no problem mingling with the crowd. Needless to say by the end of the evening her energy was running low. She and her brother Logan who was not as energetic as the princess were on their last legs by the time they got home that night. Logan collapsed on the floor on his way to bed.

The next morning Amelia was up bright and early ready to seise the day but Logan was the late sleeper not arising until 10 am. She was ready to party, "again", "it was fun" she said and she was ready to do a repeat.

I can't say the same for the adults in the house, we were moving in slow motion although we enjoyed ourselves, not denying that everyone was glad that it was over. Needless to say it was beautiful and we wish nothing but the best that can be had for the new family.

After a wonderful honeymoon to Las Vegas they will be residing in Elyria, Ohio with the little princess and I am sure she will keep them hopping, skipping, jumping and any other adjective you want to hook to her because she is energy in double time.

Granny here, just saying!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

No Other Choice, Surrender

Granny here,

This week has begun with sad news, a dearly beloved sister in law has been called away by the most  disturbing event in our lives, death. Although death is an appointment that we all will keep no matter when or where it is called upon us to do so none of us want to surrender to it.

Death is as much a part of our lives as being born, getting married, having children or any other event that the human being takes part in and yet we have no desire to discuss it, plan for it and often turn our backs when we see it taking one loved one after the other. But try as we may we cannot hide from it, run fast enough to get away from it, bury our heads deep enough that it will go away, there is no way around it we must go through it, there is no other way. There are no detours, no unknown pathways, no discoveries that will take our participation in this event away from us. It is appointed unto man once to die and we all must do it.

Death, just the word has a dark sinister sound to it. It is not a pleasant sounding word, one that we take pleasure in speaking. It holds no pleasure because the rewards of death are totally unknown to us until we have taken part in it and then it is too late to share the knowledge that we have just received. Seems so unfair doesn't it but we have no say so in the matter, we must surrender. Surrender to the master of death that comes like a thief and says it's time to let go, it's time to move on and the surprise is we know not to what or where we are moving. But we must surrender.

Surrendering is not easy in any sense of the word. If it is our time to meet death we must surrender our last breath to the one who gave us breath in the first place. If death has come to claim a spouse, a child, a parent or a friend we must also surrender in these cases too. We must surrender this person into the arms of death realizing that we are to be forever separated in this life as long as we still live. This is not an easy task and although it happens every day, every hour, every minute to someone somewhere we never get use to the idea and we certainly do not welcome it.

Death is the only event that the human being refuses to make friends with and in spite of what we try to make ourselves believe we hope it will never happen to us. We want to think we have plenty of time, but in spite of that belief our appointment has been set, we will keep that appointment, there will be no cancellations on our part. The only one that can stand in that place for us is God, He has the last say and holds the only eraser that can cancel out our name on the death angel's list.

I've often thought about why we are afraid of death. Is it the pain that may be associated with our death? Is it the fear of how we will be required to die?  Is it the unknown destination? Is it leaving all our loved ones behind? Why are we afraid of death, the one thing we all have to do sooner or latter and know there is no way of getting out of it?

These questions have plagued man since the beginning of time and will always be in the back of our mind but one thing is certain when Death comes knocking on our door, we will answer, we will take our last breath and we will surrender.

I've often thought that at the moment that death overtakes us we find out that we have been dead all along and that real life has just been given to us. A novel thought, yes?

Granny here, just saying!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Have We Lost Our Minds?

Granny here,

Been watching the news today which is not an encouraging activity. I think this world has lost its mind, what have we become or should i say what are we becoming because it is evident that we are still in the process. Nothing seems to be in the right order, everything seems to be out of socket, out of sorts, distorted to say the least.

Families have disintegrated right before our eyes, children are left on the streets like bags of trash. Young people are uncontrollable, inconsiderate, disrespectful and seem to be wondering in a fog and they have no idea how they got there. The world today seems to be in reverse and progress seems to be at a standstill in a lot of areas.

What is going on? Where are we headed as a nation, as a people who if my memory serves me correctly used to have a high reverence for God, family and country and now all three seem to have taken a back seat to the selfish, lustful desires of mankind. There is a price to pay for such behavior and although we may have put God out of our mind you can rest assured that we are still on His.

God never forgets! We are His top priority and He is faithful concerning His promises whether they be for good or for judgement. What He has said He will do in His own way and in His own time but we must never forget that He will do it!

We may

Future Plans

Granny here,

 I've been thinking, again! What's new about that, sometimes I feel I do way too much of that kind of stuff which can sometimes get one into trouble mentally and physically but I think this time I may be onto something, we'll see what you think, here goes. If all goes well these writings coming up will be compiled into some sort of book of wisdom. Can you imagine that? Me, giving out words of wisdom of all things, well maybe it could fall into other classifications such as opinion, my viewpoint or just musing in general but with all that said I think I have something to say on some subjects so here I go. I'm not the oldest person living but I have lived long enough to see things come and go and some of those things were treasures that can only be recovered by the person who sold them to the highest bidder or threw them away. In these next few post I would like to dwell on the loss of these treasures and ask the question "Has anyone has seen them? Has Anyone Seen Them "Integrity" I once heard of a human trait called Integrity, integrity, according to Webster is: 1.The firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values, incorruptibility. 2.An unimpaired condition: soundness 3.The quality or state of being complete or undivided, completeness, honesty Synonyms: Character, decency, goodness, honesty, morality, probity, rectitude, righteousness, rightness, uprightness, virtue, virtuousness. Antonyms: Badness, evil, evildoing, immorality, iniquity, sin, villainy, wickedness. I can remember a time when integrity was one of man's most prized possessions but today that doesn't seem to be the case. The human race seems to be involved in a bidding war for his integrity and so far it looks as if the bidder is about to come out the winner. Who are these bidders that have lunged at the integrity of mankind without thought of what they are asking man to relinquish? Have we given much thought to what is at stake here? Do we actually realize what is on the auction block is something that may never be regained once it has be released to the highest bidder? Integrity is a gift that is given at birth it may be weak in the beginning but it can be nourished into maturity by choices that we make along the way. Integrity is ours to keep and can only be given away at our own choosing. Giving it up will be our decision alone and no one else's. Integrity is a part of us, a piece of our makeup that makes us who we are. When we relinquish that to something or someone it is a choice that we make on our own but never for naught. There is something that we are getting in return when we give up our integrity. Giving up this piece of ourselves does not come without penalties, there is a price that must be paid just as there is payment for what we are about to sell. Integrity lives in the deepest realm of man's soul, it is who he is, it is the foundation on which other decisions are made and without it he becomes a man without merit, a person who cannot be trusted or looked upon as a good example. Integrity is the cradle that holds our emotions, the compass that guides us to become all that we can be and still be able to hold our head high. It gives us motivation for all that we feel is our duty to accomplish and make our mark in the world. Integrity does not come cheap, the price for retaining it can be high but the rewards far out exceed the cost. Integrity is something that anyone can have, poor, rich, any nationality in any country, in any job or vocation, none of these have a baring on man's integrity unless he alone chooses it too. Integrity isn't bought with money or position but it can be lost to these very things. Funny isn't it that something so precious and priceless is often let go for something of temporal value. This is our integrity we're talking about here, imagine that, a priceless part of ourselves that says to our surroundings this is a person you can trust, this is a person who keeps his word, this is a person with whom I'm not ashamed to associate myself. Integrity can place one in a high position or the lack of it can bring you down. Integrity let's those around you know that you are someone to be reckoned with and that you think highly of your impact on the world around you. You do not make decisions lightly and always try to consider the outcome of your decisions and what impact they will have on others therefore having a direct impact on your integrity. You take your integrity seriously and take all precautions to protect it. These are the traits of a person with real integrity, putting others first, looking for ways to improve his surroundings, helping to better the life of someone other than himself. Always lending a helping hand, seeing the need before someone tells him about it and being the first in line to do something about that need. Integrity will cause us to take a good look at ourselves and see if we still have it or has it been given up for other things that will only benefit ourselves. Have we forgotten that selling our integrity to the highest bidder may bring us under subjection to a bidder that cannot be paid off. Integrity has been lost in the world we live in today, it is no longer treasured as it once was but in it's place the bidding war has caused many to relinquish this possession. It is all too often given up without thought never considering what a price we have to pay to get it back. Losing one's integrity not only affects us but those in our closest inner circle. They must endure the shame too when we decide to relinquish this part of ourselves. So if you see integrity when you are out and about take time to honor him for what he is, and what he is determined to become. Honor him for being strong and not willing to be sold to the highest bidder. Has anyone see him?

 Granny here, just saying!

America in Disgrace

Granny here,

You know watching the news on T.V. is like taking a dose of bad medicine, it taste terrible and has few benefits. Most of the news today just affirms how far down the ladder we keep sliding in every thing that a few of us thought we had made some progress.

The American people have been brain washed so badly that they have lost all sense of decency and self respect. They have come to believe what was wrong is now right, what was white is now black, what was respectful is now just something to make fun of. Yes, they have lost their bearings and are on the road to destruction and aren't looking for a way to turn themselves around. That's the sad part, they don't see the error of their ways.

There is a saying that goes " there is none so blind as him who will not see" and we have a society today that doesn't want to see because when your eyes are opened and you "see" you will be required to make some decision as to your next move and most people don't want to go there. It makes us responsible, we have to give account for our doings to ourselves, to those around us and to society in general.

America no longer sees that killing babies as if they were a fly on the wall is murder and they get away with it everyday but killing an animal is beyond forgiveness by most of America today. Animals although deserve good care and love in todays society receive better treatment, food, medicine etc. than lots of children and elderly. They are given the run of the home whereas children are made to sit in corners, stay outside and other treatments that I can only imagine. Can't we see were we have traded our value system for a line of thinking that is warped and we will answer for our wrong doings.

I agree that women should have the say of what they do with their bodies but can't America women see that the decision whether they want to bring another life into this world should be made "before" that life is a breathing, living human being that has rights just as the mother. Where do they get the right to kill that human being because they have decided that they no longer want the responsibility, that decision should have been made before the moment of pleasure that brought it into being. It had no part in that decision making so why should it pay the ultimate price for the mother's mistake.

America has laid their belief in God on the altar of self centeredness and are under the illusion that they are in control of their own destiny. I am here to tell them that they are so wrong and just as God has always required a day of reckoning and He still does and ours is coming. A nation that forgets God is doomed.

America has her head so far in the sand of disbelief that they are ignorant to the fact that they have gone so far from the founding fathers blueprint for our nation that it no longer resembles the nation that they dreamed of.

Our government has turned it's back on the people of this country in so many ways. Our service men are treated like second class citizens and denied the care that they have earned once they have returned to this "wonderful" country. Senior citizens are frowned upon as a burden for the government and no longer deserve what little they get to live on and are always being threatened by the same. Social Security funds are constantly being thrust at us as a dependent fund when in reality it is money that the American worker and their employer deposited into a government account so that they would have something to live on in their retirement years. It is their money not the governments so where do they get the idea that they have all the rights concerning someone else's bank account? But the government has taken possession of it as if they were entitled to tell us how much of our own money we will be allowed to live on. Is this insanity or what? How did America get in such a mess?

America is so weak that they allow others with beliefs so foreign to ours to come into our country and ask that we bow to their way of thinking and America being overcome with stupidity is beginning to give them just what they want. Singing the National Anthem in Spanish (which is alright in a Spanish community but not on the national level). Removing the words "under God" and replacing them with "under Allah" in our pledge of allegiance. Have we forgot who we are? This is America, one nation under God, built on the principals of God and with His Word as our foundation.

We have become a nation that no longer is secure in the sex to which we were born but feel that we have the "right" to take God's creation and change it to fit our own desire. We have lost our way and no longer are sure what we are, male, female, other, both, or whatever. The minds of the world today is so confused by the ways of sin that they can no longer see through the cloud of self to find their way back to sanity. God will let us go in whatever direction we choose if we fight hard enough for our wants but with that getting will also come a day of payment for our wrong doing and disobedience.

The ways of sin have overtaken this nation to such an extent that the price we will pay for our disobedience will be far more than any of us will want to pay but we will not be given a choice when the time comes. The time for choice is now, right at this moment.

The world today thanks to social media has become so small that every little jot and tittle of our daily lives is displayed somewhere for all to scrutinize and comment on. Therefore we are open to opinions and remarks that otherwise we would have kept to ourselves therefore opening the old wounds that we had assumed were being healed over the years but now find out that they are more raw than ever.

We have become a nation of wimps that no longer can take criticism, that has trouble coping with difficulties that our forefathers saw as opportunities for growth and obtaining strength. We are a nation that is becoming lazy, feeling entitled that no longer takes respect and pride in carrying our own weight but feel that it is our "right" to have as much as possible without earning it in any way. You know if you're not earning it someone is and that someone may feel that he is entitled to a few things too such as keeping what he has earned, feeling used and abused by those who refuse to work and make their own way. Capitalism has always been the American way. We have always been taught to take pride in our accomplishments.

Wake up America, thrust off the cloak that has been thrown upon us by those that would have us become that weak, entitled, self centered nation that can no longer feel that we are the great nation that God allowed us to be. "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away" so beware of your desires because their is a price to be paid and God calls in all debts.

Granny here, just saying!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Nothing to Say, A Lot to Think

Granny here,

Just sitting here thinking how sometimes I feel like I have nothing to say because no one cares to listen. Not because it's me talking, it's just that people aren't into talking and listening these days so thinking is all we have left and of course blogging. Thinking doesn't get anyone in trouble except the person doing the thinking, right? That is unless the person doing the thinking decides to act on their thoughts and then there could be some real trouble.

We see this everyday in the news when some nut decides to carry out his thoughts. This world has become a scary place. It makes one want to dig a hole and pull the hole in after yourself. What is happening to our world, to it's people. Have we become a society so self absorbed that we have to create a disaster of some kind to get the attention we think we so rightly deserve.

Are we such idiots that we believe that what we encounter in person, on T.V., in music, games, videos has no adverse effect on us. We've all heard the saying "trash in, trash out". We can see the proof of this every day when we watch the news, hear our neighbors, listen to our school officials just to name a few sources. Measures of all descriptions have had to be put into place to try and protect the sane citizens that we still have in our society.Well, it looks as if society is fast becoming one large trash can but there is a cleanser and His name is Jesus Christ.

Having lived 72 years now I have enough experience in life to have some comparisons under my belt and believe me the world has done some major changing in those 72 years and not all good ones either. It seems that the slippery slope it has been on since the beginning of time has become more slippery over the last 25 years sliding society into a cesspool of sin and despair that is about to totally consume us.

Comparing life today to the life I encountered as a young child, teenager and young adult is like comparing life on skid row and being a winner of the lottery. My life as a child was carefree and secure, as far as I was concerned. My parents did all the worrying, I was never brought into the adult world, I was treated as a child and was only allowed to do, hear, say and be involved in things that fit into a child's world. I believe that is called parenting. Where is that concept today?

As a teenager I was chaperoned, given orders and chores for which I was not paid as if I was an employee instead of a responsible member of a family who had responsibilities to that family as well as any other member. I was expected to honor my mother and father as long as they were my parents not until I reached the age of twenty-one, although becoming an "adult" did give me some freedoms I had not known until then. I was taught by my parents and the society that I was lucky enough to be part of in the 50's that when I made a commitment I kept that commitment whether it be in my personal life, my business life or my social life, I was to keep my word, it was expected.

I was taught that during my life I would experience success, failure, disappointments, betrayal, I would win sometimes and I would lose sometimes but never was I taught to give up, to let others down, to whine, to get revenge. I was taught to love, to forgive, to have compassion, generosity and concern for those less fortunate than myself although it may be taken for granted by those who benefit from it.

Putting one's thoughts down on paper or in a blog can open up a cavity far deeper than we ourselves realize, it can open up a fountain of bottled up thoughts and ideas that have been festering for quite sometime, some good and some not so good. But it gets it off our chest and the load becomes a little lighter and in the process we may get someone else who thinks they have nothing to say to realize that it just isn't so, when in reality if the fountain is opened it will be hard to turn it off.

Granny here, just saying!