Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Topsey Turvey

Granny here, well let me tell you that my life right now is topsey turvey to say the least. My house looks as if I just moved in instead of getting ready to move out. Having a huge moving sale this Sat. and boy is my house a mess. Things are everywhere, I mean everywhere  they shouldn't be.

I've cleaned out closets, drawers, and all my hiding places and brought out all the good stuff for you folks that are planning on paying me a visit Sat. You're going to kick yourself if you miss this one, it's a doozey. I have something for everyone but the babies, don't have any of the little folks stuff but for mom and dad I've got that covered so come and get it.

If topsey turvey means upside down then that's exactly where I'm at, almost standing on my head. Lots of things to get done in the next few weeks but God is faithful and He will see me through to the end, He's just like that. Trusting Him can be tricky sometimes but you have to do it, how else can He show us what He can do. Love Him for His faithfulness.

Well, bye for now and if you get your life in a topsey turvey position it will give you a different perspective. Granny

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